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Alle Lieder aller Programme von Gregory Wiest

  • Impressions
    composed by Elaine Fine
    for Tenor and Piano
    Texts by Alice Ruth Moore (Alice Dunbar-Nelson)
  • Thought
  • Hope
  • Love
  • Death
  • Faith
  • Songs of the Wood
    composed by James A. Devor
    Text after George Washington Sears
  • That Trout
  • Flight of the Goddess
  • Disheartened
  • Isabel Nye
  • Birds Gone South
    composed by Travis Reynolds
    for High Voice and Piano
    Texts by Robert A. Ayres
  • For a Fallen Fieldmouse
  • Dry Spell
  • Solstice
  • Collect
  • Sunflower
  • Five Lyrics of Lermontov
    composed by David Evan Thomas
    for Tenor and Piano
    Texts by Mikhail Lermontov,
    translated by Anatoly Liberman
  • Speak to Me
  • She Sings
  • The Cliff
  • A Vision
  • The Angel of Heaven
  • The Touch of Rain
    composed by Christopher Beardsley
    for Tenor and Piano
    Texts by Robert Herrick, Edward Thomas and Matthew Arnold
  • How Love Came In
  • Like the Touch of Rain
  • Longing
  • Sebastiane
    composed by Donna McKevitt
    for tenor, Viola and Cello
    Text by Derek Jarman
  • Compression
    composed by Jake DiFebo
    for Tenor and Piano
    Texts by Samuel Beckett
  • Roundelay
  • something there
  • thither
  • A Seven of Sonnets – Poems of Mike Alexander
    composed by Robert McCauley
    for Tenor and Piano
    Texts by Mike Alexander
  • Sonnet - The Steps
  • Sonnet - Ms Pacman
  • Sonnet - "the six strings of yesterday"
  • Sonnet - Fermata
  • Sonnet - "this skeletal jockey"(Basquiat)
  • Sonnet - "this one Lavender Disaster"
  • Sonnet - Autopsy, Good Friday
  • Jessie Stuart Songs
    composed by Daniel Gilliam (* 1978)
    Texts by Jesse Stuart (1907-1984)
  • Who Said that Gold
  • Now do not leave me
  • Spring in Kentucky hills
  • The call to earth
  • Oh, don't you see
  • Three Dots
    composed by Nathan Crowe (*1995)
    Texts after Mike Hranica (1988)
  • Introduction
  • Future Future
  • Small Leaves
  • 82 Days Ago
  • Coming to and end
  • Joy
  • What it is…
  • Interlude
  • Attraction
  • Whatever is Best
  • Stupid Lost
  • Another Chance
  • The Night I Wanted to Drive
  • Three Hallucinations of Love
    composed by Isaac Lovdahl (* 1993)
    Texts by Kyle Schwartz
  • A Chain Swings from Dark Heaven
  • and
  • Rules
  • Cats
    for Tenor, Piano and Double Bass
    composed by Norberto Oldrini (* 1968)
    Texts by Silvia Cassioli (* 1971)
  • O. Cattango
  • Small Cat
  • Irresolute Cat
  • second moral tail
  • Hungry Cat
  • third moral tail
  • Sad Cat
  • fourth moral tail
  • Escape/Delete/Space/Enter/­Home
    composed by David Wolfson
    Texts by David Wolfson (* 1964)
  • Escape
  • Delete
  • Space
  • Enter
  • Home
  • Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock
    composed by Lauren McCall
    Texts after T. S. Eliot (1888-1965)
  • Dante’s Inferno
  • Let Us Go You And I
  • In the Room the Women
  • The Yellow Fog
  • The Yellow Smoke
  • Do I Dare
  • For I Have Known
  • Shall I Say
  • And the Afternoon
  • No I Am Not
  • I Grow Old
  • Blessings
    composed by David Evan Thomas
    Texts by James Wright
  • I. Beginning
  • II. Jewel
  • III. This and That
  • IV. The Blessing
  • V. To A Hostess Saying Good Night
  • Songs for Traveling
    composed by Jonathan Russ
    Texts by Edna St. Vincent Millay (1892-1950)
  • I. Travel
  • II. The Unexplored
  • III. To The Not Impossible Him
  • IV. Journey
  • If
    composed by Mary Ann Joyce-Walter
    Texts by May Sarton (1912-1995)
  • If I Can Let You Go
  • Sleeping At Last
    composed by Norman Mathews
    Text by Christina Rossetti (1830-1894)
  • Sleeping At Last
  • Be Music
    composed by Carrie Magin
    Text by Kenneth Patchet (1911-1972)
  • Be Music, Night
  • Rendezvous
    composed by Patrick Lee
    Text by Alan Seeger (1888-1916)
  • Rendezvous
  • Brodwick Songs
    composed by Arthur Gottschalk
    Texts by Malcolm Brodwick
  • Serenade
  • Absolute Zero
  • Untitled
  • Interrogative
  • Slow Dance
  • A Critique of Pure Laughter
  • The Dying of the Light
    composed by Gwyneth Walker
    Texts by Dylan Thomas
  • The Hand That Signed the Paper
  • And Death Shall Have No Dominion
  • Do Not Go Gentle Into That Good Night
  • Casting Off
    composed by Joseph N. Rubinstein
    Texts by Stephen Crane
  • If I should cast off this tattered coat
  • Ay, workman, make me a dream
  • Once I Knew a Fine Song
  • On the horizon the peaks assembled
  • Three little birds in a row
  • The livid lightnings flashed in the clouds
  • There came whisperings in the winds
  • Should the wide world roll away
  • The Wind Among the Reeds
    composed by Michael Mikulka
    Texts by William Butler Yeats
  • Aedh Laments the Loss of Love
  • Aedh Gives His Beloved Certain Rhymes
  • Aedh Hears the Cry of the Sedge
  • Aedh Wishes for the Cloths of Heaven
  • Ayres and Madrigals
    composed by Mark Buller
    for Tenor and Piano
    Texts by John Dowland and Thomas Campion
  • Can She Excuse My Wrongs
  • A Fountain Where I Lay
  • Flow, My Tears
  • Three Songs
    composed by Mary Ann Joyce-Walter
    for Tenor and Piano
    Texts by Gerald Manley Hopkins and Edward Hirsch
  • Nothing Is So Beautiful As Spring
  • The Sweetness
  • Danse Macabre
    composed by Toby Young
    for Tenor and Piano
    Text by W.H. Auden
  • 1. It's farewell to the drawingroom's
  • 2. For the devil has broken parole
  • 3. Millions have already come to their harm
  • 4. For I am afterall the Fortunate One.
  • Road Rage
    for tenor, piano, clarinette and double bass
    composed by William Vollinger
    Text by William Vollinger
  • Sonoma Songs
    composed by Armand Russell
    for soprano and piano
    Texts by Joan Moore
  • The Blue Door
  • Walking Down
  • Petit Mort
  • Monarch Migration
  • Poetry for a Midsummer's Night
    composed by David Gompper
    for tenor, piano and double bass
    Texts by Marvin Bell
  • How the Lovers Found True Love After All
  • Three Songs on Poems by Walt Whitman
    composed by Jorge Sosa
    for Tenor and Piano
    Texts by Walt Whitman
  • Continuities
  • The Voice of the Rain
  • Twilight
  • What Happens to a Dream Deferred?
    composed by Timothy Brown
    for Tenor and Piano
    Texts by Langston Hughes
  • What Happens to a Dream Deferred?
  • Tell Me
  • Island
  • Dream Boogie
  • The Dream Keeper
  • I Dream a World
  • Red Moon & Other Songs of War
    composed by Robert Rival
    for Tenor and Piano
    Texts by Bret Harte, Thomas Hardy, Carl Sandburg, Sara Teasdale, John Scott of Amwell, Norman Bethune
  • What the Bullet Sang
  • The Man He Killed
  • Grass
  • There Will Come Soft Rains
  • Iron
  • The Drum
  • Red Moon
  • Sea Psalms
    composed by Frederick Frahm
    for tenor, piano and double bass
    Text by Robinson Jeffers
  • Evening Ebb
  • Life from the Lifeless
  • Distant Rainfall
  • Hercules
    composed by Emanuela Ballio
    for tenor and double bass
    Text by Simon Armitage
  • Chasms
    composed by Randolph Partain
    for soprano, tenor, piano and double bass
    Texts by Sara Teasdale
  • Wild Asters
  • Mystery
  • Dusk in Wartime
  • The Kiss
  • Snowfall
  • There Will Come Soft Rains
  • After Love
  • Sanctuary
  • Acts of Kindness
    composed 2005 by William Vollinger
    Texts by William Vollinger
  • Two Necklaces
  • First Journey
  • Second Journey
  • Freedom Begun
  • First Sacrifice
  • Second Sacrifice
  • Three Sonnets
    composed 2004 by Paul A. Epstein
    Texts by Harvey Gilman
  • Isolation
  • Rapport
  • Threnody
  • Two Songs
    composed 2006 by Emanuela Ballio
    Texts by William Shakespeare
  • Sonnet 125, Let me be obsequious in thy heart
  • Sonnet 121, I am that I am
  • Trains
    composed 2006 by Rodney Waschka II
    Texts by Rodney Waschka II
  • 1. In Memory
  • 2. The Train grows arms
  • 3. Cars Clang
  • 4. Having Lost
  • 5. After the Offensive
  • 6. This Train Never heard
  • 7. This Train Struck
  • 8. The Train Welcomes
  • 9. In the Cold Morning
  • 10. When It Carries
  • Evenly Spaced Waves of Irony
    composed 2005 by David Cutler
    Text by Billy Collins
  • I. The Willies
  • II. Flames
  • III. Weighing the Dog
  • IV. Embrace
  • Songs of Life Passing,
    for Tenor and Piano
    composed by Dana Wilson (b. 1946)
  • Youth, day, old age and night (Walt Whitman)
  • Men at Forty (Donald Justice)
  • Do not go gentle into that good night (Dylan Thomas)
  • Pax Americana, Songs of Protest
    for Tenor and Piano
    composed by Randolph L. Partain (b. 1973)
  • „Mourn not the Dead . . ." (Ralph Chaplin)
  • Ready to Kill (Carl Sandburg)
  • Epiphany (Anonymous)
  • Jingo (U.S. Goverment Posters)
  • Dulce Et Decorum Est (Wilfred Owen)
  • Dead Man‘s Dump (Isaac Rosenberg)
  • Three Songs
    composed 1999-2001 by Dennis Livingston (b. 1940)
    Texts by Dennis Livingston
  • An Ordinary Day (2001)
  • It‘s Time for Roses (1997)
  • Every Time I Look at You (1999)
  • Liebestod Waltzes
    composed 2003 by Ben Phelps (b. 1980)
  • no.1 (Translation by www.rwagner.net )
  • no.2 (Translation by Ben Phelps)
  • no.3 (Translation by Babble Fish, www.world.altavista.com )
  • Oetztal Narratives
    composed 2004 by Martin Read (b. 1959)
    Text by Philip Sealey
  • I. Helmut and Erika Simon's Story
  • II. The Austrian Official's Story
  • III. The Iceman's Story
  • Four Ben Jonson Songs
    for Tenor and Piano
    Texts by Ben Jonson
    composed by Martin Hennessy
  • Hymn to Diana,
  • Come My Celia,
  • Echo's Song,
  • Kiss me, Sweet
  • Sunrise
    for Tenor and Piano
    poetry by Christina Rossetti
    composed by Katherine Gilliam
  • Bird Raptures
  • Bread and Milk for Breakfast
  • O Wind, Why Do You Never Rest?
  • Heaven Overarches Earth and Sea
  • O Wind, Where Have You Been?
  • The Summer Nights Are Short
  • Baby Lies so Fast Asleep
  • Roses on a Briar
  • Who has Seen the Wind?
  • Advent
  • The Christmas of 1914
    A narrative for unaccompanied Tenor
    Texts and Music by William Vollinger
  • The Christmas of 1914
  • Whimsical Songs
    for tenor and Double Bass
    Texts by John Keats
    composed by Armand Russell
  • Old Meg
  • The Dawlish Fair
  • An Interesting Place
  • Two or Three Posies
  • New Mexico
    for tenor, Double Bass and Piano
    Text by Philip Sealey
    composed by Martin Read
  • New Mexico
  • Songs of the Soul
    composed by Allen Cohen
    Texts by Walt Whitman
  • A Noiseless Patient Spider
  • A Clear Midnight
  • O Living Always, Always Dying
  • When I Heard the Learn'd Astronomer
  • One Hour to Madness and Joy
  • Solid Ironical, Rolling Orb
  • Life
  • Darest Thou Now O Soul
  • Handkerchief, Cross & Bread
    composed 2000 by William Vollinger
    for Tenor Soloist, and String Bass,
    Texts by William Vollinger
  • Handkerchief
  • Cross
  • Bread
  • Food for Love
    composed by Mona Lyn Reese
    Text by Thomas A. Hassing, from the Opera, Three Fat Women of Antibes
  • Aria of Prinz Roccamare
  • Cantadas D'Un Vuzo Enculado
    for Tenor, Soprano, Piano and Double Bass
    composed 1999 by Victor Saucedo
    Texts by Steve Kowit
  • Prologue
  • Touched
  • Kiss
  • Lute
  • No!
  • Unknotted
  • That Smudge
  • Night
  • Separation
  • Remembrance
  • Metaphor
  • Postlude
  • Kiss
  • Dream Songs
    for Tenor, Contrabass and Piano
    composed 1984 + 2001 by Doug Davis
    Texts by John Berryman
  • Huffy Henry
  • I Miss Him
  • Four Occasional Songs
    for tenor, op.41
    poetry by Cornel Adam
    composed between 7/58 and 6 /66 by Peter Jona Korn (3/30/22-1/12/98)
  • Riding Song
  • Farmer's Song
  • Rustic Song
  • Cradle Song
  • Beat
    A Song Cycle for High Voice, Piano and Double Bass
    poetry by Jack Kerouac, Malcolm Brodwick, and Walt Whitman
    composed 1998 by Arthur Gottschalk
  • Chorus 172
  • SOS
  • Chorus 34
  • The Mystic Trumpeter
  • Chorus 168
  • Who Is Now
  • Chorus 49
  • All About Connections
  • Chorus 241
  • Song of the Son
    Three Songs for Tenor and Piano
    poetry by Jean Toomer
    composed 1998 by Jeremy Beck (1960)
  • Face
  • Beehive
  • Song of the Son
  • Three Encores:
    1. Even
    poetry by Steve Kowit
    composed 1997 by Victor Saucedo
  • Even
  • 2. Bach
    poetry and music by William Vollinger
  • Bach
  • 3. A Thunderstorm in Town
    composed 1990 by Garth Baxter (1946)
    Text by Thomas Hardy
  • A Thunderstorm in Town
  • Six Love Songs 1998
    for Tenor and Piano
    poetry and music by David Wolfson
  • My Pennies
  • I Shake the Day from My Shoulders
  • You Snap
  • Your Body
  • Let Us Not Forget
  • When First I loved You
  • My Pennies
  • Songs of the Poet
    composed by Norman Mathews
    poetry by Walt Whitman
  • Sometimes with One I Love
  • That Music Always Round Me
  • Hear the Frailest Leaves of Me
  • Tears
  • As the Time Draws Nigh
  • Grand is the Seen
  • The Last Invocation
  • up into the silence
    composed by Joelle Wallach
    poetry by e.e.cummings
  • will you teach
  • these children singing
  • newlys of silence
  • may my heart always
  • 3 Yeats Songs
    composed by Corey Field
    poetry by W.B. Yeats
  • To a Child Dancing in the Wind
  • The Witch
  • The Young Man's Song(Brown Penny)
  • A Birthday Bouquet
    composed by Elizabeth Austin
    poetry by e.e.cummings, Christine Rossetti and W.B. Yeats
  • a birthday wish
  • a birthday
  • remember
  • had I the heavens' embroidered cloths
  • Facing the Moon
    composed by Stephen Wilcox
    poetry by Li Yu, Liu K’o Chuang and Li Po
  • How Can a Man
  • Leaf by Leaf
  • Drinking Alone With the Moon
  • Quiet Night Thoughts
  • BirdSongs
    by Paul A. Epstein
    poetry by Toby Olson
  • Birds Again
  • Faces
  • Sparrow
  • Moot
  • Songs from Sleep Now
    composed by Ronald Perera
    poetry by James Joyce
  • I Hear an Army
  • Ecce Puer
  • The Twilight Turns from Amethyst
  • Sleep Now
  • A Bestiary of Dreams
    composed by Robert Convery
    poetry by Susan Astor
  • The Lion's Dream
  • The Hound's Dream
  • The Flea's Dream
  • The Spider's Dream
  • Dream of the Whale
  • A Cynic’s Cycle
    composed by Robert Baksa
    poetry by Ambrose Bierce
  • Allah's good laws
  • To Men
  • The Graverobber
  • The Troutlet
  • Troutlet
  • Five Yeats Songs
    composed by Phillip Martin
    poetry by W.B. Yeats
  • The Fiddler of Dooney
  • The Lake Isle of Innisfree
  • The Stolen Child
  • I am of Ireland
  • He wishes for the Cloths of Heaven
  • though love be a day
    composed by Gwyneth Walker
    poetry by e.e.cummings and Gwyneth Walker
  • Thy fingers make early flowers
  • after all white horses are in bed
  • maggie and milly and molly and may
  • Still
  • they fingers make early flowers,
  • Three Lullabies
    composed by Corey Field
    poetry by Robert Louis Stevenson and W.B. Yeats
  • Where Go the Boats
  • Escape at Bedtime
  • A Cradle Song
  • Escape at Bedtime,
  • Shakespeare Songs
    composed by Ronald Perera
    poetry by William Shakespeare
  • Take, O Take Those Lips Away
  • Hark! Hark! The Lark
  • Full Fathom Five
  • Where the Bee Sucks
  • O Mistress Mine
  • Hark! Hark! The Lark,
  • Songs of the Night Wind
    composed by Gwyneth Walker
    poetry by Louise Bogan, Hilda Doolittle, and Lisel Mueller
  • To be sung on the water(Luise Bogan)
  • Where is the nightingale(Hilda Doolittle)
  • Night song(Lisel Mueller)
  • Song for a lyre(Luise Bogan)
  • Never more will the wind(Hilda Doolittle)
  • The Pensive Traveler
    composed by Donald Crockett
    poetry by Walt Whitman I Was Born Upon Thy Bank River
  • For Though the Caves Were Rabitted
  • On the Sun Coming Out in the Afternoon
  • What's the Railroad to Me?
  • Sic Vita
  • I Was Born Upon Thy Bank River
  • Four Songs on Poems by Thoreau
    composed by Marilyn Penn
    poetry by Louise Bogan, Hilda Doolittle and Lisel Mueller
  • Each more melodious note I hear
  • Love equals
  • Fog
  • My life more civil is and free
  • Renaissance Songs
    composed by J.G. Bilotta
    poetry by Anonymous, Orlando Gibbons, John Donne, and Thomas Lodge
  • Prisoners
  • The Silver Swan
  • Aubade
  • A Fancy
  • Two Songs after the Catawba
    composed by A.G. Wilcox
    poetry by A. Poulin Jr.
  • Birds are singing
  • Burning sassafras
  • Dublin Songs
    composed by M.J. Shapiro
    poetry by James Joyce
  • Song from "A portrait of the artist as a young man"
  • O cool is the valley now
  • Because your voice was at my side
  • A lover's tale
  • In the dark pine-wood
  • Selected Songs
    composed by Russell Smith
    poetry by P.R. Brown, Richard Wilbur, and Gerard Manley Hopkins
  • Small Poem
  • In this Forest
  • Africa
  • Then
  • Pied Beauty